Friday 15 April 2011

Just an intro.

I really don't know where to start, but I figured that every movie has to have an intro. Getting to know who are the people you're gonna be staring at for the next couple of hours. So here goes.

I started this blog simply because I love movies (Obvious, I know) but it's also a way of expressing just how much.

In that post I won't be reviewing anything, and neither will I do so in the coming posts. My aim is not to criticise. But simply to share with others and try to show them and introduce them to the thing I love the most in my life. 

It's been pointed out to me more than once that I get a strange sparkle in my eyes whenever I'm talking about movies and actors, and I thought I may just try and explain to people why.

I will try to the best of my humble abilities to take you folks on journeys exploring the past, present, and future of this century old industry and how it plays a vital role in each of our lives, even if we don't notice sometimes.

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